
Integrate FullStory with Help Scout

Bring complete customer history to your customer support

FullStory captures all your customer experience data in one platform. Connect FullStory with Help Scout to sync user website behavior with your customer support, so your team knows exactly what happened before a customer reached out for help.

The integration brings user session playbacks straight to Customer Profiles in Help Scout, so you can be sure that your support team has all the background information necessary to respond. If another teammate is best equipped to answer, simply pass along the FullStory session URL.

FullStory - Help Scout - FullStory integration
Example of a Help Scout conversation with FullStory

Directly from Help Scout, you can now:

  • See exactly where issues went awry and save your support team time

  • Share a session playback link to easily escalate sessions

Get started with Help Scout

Want to learn what Help Scout can do for you? See for yourself with a free trial — we'll happily extend you if you need more time.